Good things:
- Students didn't complain too much about the project, and by the time I was done explaining it, they understood fully what they needed to do
- I continually monitored the class to be sure everyone was taking notes and attentive
- I was relaxed in front of the class, and didn't appear nervous
- Students were attentive, and engaged in good discussion
- I responded well to a rude question (What's the point of this project, anyway?) By calmly explaining my objectives of the project. In the future, I would ask the class to share why they thought we were doing the project to affirm its worth to the individual student.
- When asked a question to which I didn't know the answer (What is purgatory?), I elicited the information from a student. In the future, I would not be afraid to admit not knowing the answer to a question, and look it up, or have a student look it up.
Areas of improvement:
- Do not leave students unoccupied while I check homework
- Whenever I give handouts, I need to hole punch them
- Leave assignment on board until last class has turned it in, so they can't come back and say it wasn't on the board
- Elicit more information from the students instead of just lecturing at them
- Consistency in classroom management. I asked students to hold questions until the end, then I answered some questions that were shouted out and denied others.
- Be aware of students with hands up. At one point I missed a student raising his hand twice because I was looking at my notes.
- Make clear that notes from lecture are supplementary to reading notes, and that it is not necessary to copy everything down
- Do not let students use bathroom while someone is talking; be aware of classroom
- Check dates of other class projects before assigning project due date
Changes I'm making in the future:
- While I check homework tomorrow, I will have students read an introductory article and write down the main points
- I will emphasize effective and efficient note taking skills, including not writing down everything
- I will keep a general watch over the whole class to be sure I am aware of all problems and needs
- I have changed the due date of the project so that it does not conflict with a reading project