Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Blogs I Haven't Written

In the past two months or so, I've thought about blogging many topics. Here are a few.
  • Sprint
  • Baseball season
  • Independence
  • Goal setting
  • Bluetooth
  • Oatmeal
  • Weddings
  • Proving the casual dress code theory
  • Cold
  • Snow
  • christmas concerts
  • twitter
Consider this a checklist of sorts, a foretaste of blogs to come.

This is my 100th Post

I was going to write something of substance, since I haven't written in awhile, but I thought I'd mark this blogging milestone with some meta blogging.

I happened upon a blog yesterday called Unphotographable. On it, the author details the photos he neglected to take, that would have been good.

I feel that way a lot, regarding my blog. As I go through my day, there's many things about which I would like to blog. Events that I feel merit announcement in the public forum. Products that deserve a review. Opinions that just need airing. But I don't write. I think about the things, and I read others' blogs.

Why? Perhaps I worry that what I have to say will be deemed repetitive (most of my best thinking happens while running), or banal. Or perhaps I get too caught up in what others have to say, that I forget that I have a forum of my own. Or perhaps I'm simply too lazy to exercise my write to free speech and practice the written word.

Whatever the case, now, in my 100th post, I am setting a Writing Goal for December: 15 posts. With some reasonable quality. I may need to create a sticker chart.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

This is actually the title of a book that you're supposed to read before you get married, but here's a list that, if followed, will help to prevent any self-help books from happening. If used correctly, it may also prevent over-analysis of relationships, the silent treatment, and may lead to more cuddling and quality time, and football, and other good things.

That said... Avoid the following situations, or proceed with due caution.

9 Simple Things That Will Cause Fights In Any Relationship
1. Directions, or lack there of
2. Moving
3. Neglecting the 10 minute post-work decompression time
4. Dishes
5. Cleaning
6. Board games
7. Picture hanging
8. Insecurity
9. The trash

You have been warned.

Thanks to Heather for her contributions to this project.

Update 11/17 12:12am - Thanks to Josh and Eric. Josh, flatulence shouldn't cause fights, if both parties are open and honest and accepting. I'll give you insecurity, however, even though it's a bit general. Eric, I'll give you trash.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How To Mail A Letter to Swaziland

1. Address envelope in RED INK. This supposedly (according to someone in the Peace Corp) helps the letter get there in sooner than a month.
2. Include USA under your return address.
3. Write on the envelope INTERNATIONAL AIR MAIL.
4. Affix one 90 cent stamp (more if heavier, I suppose).
5. Be sure envelope is properly sealed, using tape if necessary.

Friday, November 02, 2007

97 Miles in September, 90 in October... 100 in November?

I haven't been setting any running goals since August, when I completed my 300. I kind of think I cheated a little this summer, by using training plans that did most of the work for me and told me when I needed to run. Looking back on my logs (the greatest online tool at Runner's, I'm seeing my numbers drop dramatically. I don't like this. I know I can do more. And I think it's because I have no goals, and I have no training plan, and I have no upcoming race. So it's back to a goal. I said in October that I'd like to do 300 by Christmas. This means 100 each month until then, and I've already fallen short of that for October. I'm going to adapt the goal to read "300 Miles by Martin Luther King Jr. Day." I think I can do it.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Maps, Graphs, and How We Die

I like random facts, presented in a visually appealing, categorized manner.

Causes of mortality around the world.