Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So it turns out the combination of lemons, sugar, and just a wee bit of vodka can cause a nasty canker sore.


Scrubs Season 8

I love Scrubs. It's just good TV. So when I found out that ABC would be airing all new episodes, I got so excited i might have wet myself a little (false).

Unfortunately, I have a regular commitment on Tuesday nights, so I'm forced to wait for Mike's DVR to tape episodes for me. Until... I discovered Hulu yesterday. Now I can catch up whenever I want to curl up on the couch with a bottle of cheap wine and a bag of chips.

So far, not bad. Courtney Cox as the new Chief of Medicine is a little awkward, but the character interaction is all that I hoped for and more. Laughs that made stuff come out of my nose, punctuated by some nice, quiet, contemplating-death moments.

I feel warm on the inside.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bad Habits

Regarding my last item on my to do list. I have got to stop biting my fingernails, and the cuticles around them. I am 26 and three quarters years old, and a girl at that, and it is just not socially acceptable for me to bite. It drives Mike insane when I bite. I want very badly to have pretty nails.

So I'm announcing to the world right here, right now, that I'm going to stop, one finger at a time. As of right now, I will not bite or pick at my index or middle fingers. Maybe by starting ith small goals, I will be rewarded with more success.

But beyond starting small, how to do it? I'm really open to any suggestions that people have. Preferable ones that work. Right now I'm trying an incentive, which I know from years of ed psych is probably doomed to fail. But, regardless, if I go 2 weeks without one bite, I will treat myself to a manicure. And if that's what it takes to have pretty hands, I'll keep doing it.

The madness will stop!

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Stealing from josh, I have a brief list of things I'd like to do in 2009. Not nearly as extensive as Jen's, I think I have a nice balance of things I know I can check off, and things that might be a challenge. In no particular order.

  • read all 4 Twilight books - check!
  • run a 5K, 10K, half marathon
  • pay off debt
  • start grad school - check!
  • take GRE - check!
  • visit Africa
  • save $5000
  • bake 2 new pies, and 2 new cakes
  • make a meatloaf
  • listen to meatloaf
  • learn to appreciate red wine
  • call my brother once a month
  • email my grandma once a month
  • do the 5C3 challenge
  • memorize a book of the bible (1 John or Philippians)
  • look into an IRA
  • read Once a Runner
  • read and discuss The Shack - Check!
  • make a really nice tasting batch of wine
  • wear glasses more
  • Update - Go 2 weeks without biting my nails, then quit for good.

The Year in Review - 2008

Since everyone else is writing about their 2009 goals, I figured I may as well jump on the boat and write about mine. First, a recap of 2008 success and failure.
  • Whine Less - Success. I really think I'm a happier, less anxious person than I was at this time last year.
  • Stay aware of the world around me - Failure. I subscribe to lots of news feeds on Google Reader, but somehow, I can never seem to read the NPR or other world news. I'm hooked on Kottke.org, though.
  • Run better - Success/ failure. I did find some really great runs last winter and spring. I sometimes truly enjoyed my ridiculously long runs. And I achieved a personal record in the Door County Half Marathon. But shin splints made me drop out of the marathon, and I haven't run any meaningful distance since.
  • Be a better friend - Success/ failure. I've done fairly well at keeping in touch with my missionary friends. Writing letters is hard when it takes so long for them to be delivered. And I've grown closer in some of my friendships. Birthdays have been forgotten, however, and I've definitely lost contact with several good friends.
  • Super Secret Fifth Goal - Success.