"Night Bouquet"

"Crossing Over"


"Just Stop"
On Friday night, my little sister and I embarked on a journey to Bluemound State Park, 25 miles west of Madison, WI. Thanks to the recommendation of several friends (thanks Heather, Cheri), we had a great time. I'll admit, Karly may have over-packed, but who hasn't done so a little bit on their first trip to the woods. I sure did. She didn't whine once, she helped pick up firewood, and one guess who the bigger trooper was when we had to take down the tent in the rain.
The hiking was great, as was the running. The Military Ridge State Trail runs right next to the highway, and through the woods, which made for a really nice morning run with the sun rising to the east. We discovered that most of the trails in the park are designed for mountain biking, which meant that they were relatively flat. Great for the pace we were looking for. No one trail was longer than a mile, which meant we got to do a lot of exploring, especially as we searched high and low for the East Observation Tower (Eventually found it on the way out on Saturday afternoon. Great views).
Finally, a trip to Cave of the Mounds proved to be an interesting diversion from the road. We didn't take the hour long cave tour, due to expense (more than camping itself) and length, but we wandered the gardens and gift shop, and walked around the learning center, where Karly learned that Wisconsin was once covered by the Ordovician Sea. Neat place. Don't go out of your way to check it out, though.
Great time spent with the little sis. Good conversation. Good sights. I should point out for the record that Karly is the Queen of Marshmallow Roasting, while I am the Queen of Fire Building. It's only too bad that Pokey and Earl had to be lost in the efforts.
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